Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

One of a Lab Work

Picture above is a picture showing one of our labwork in Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.

High Voltage Engineering labwork. This extremely dangerous course's been reopened after four years of absence, in order to improve students' understanding in high voltage engineering. In my first encounter with this labwork, i was so amazed by size of the component used in this labwork. Do you see those 'pillars' in picture above? It is a resistor. It is a way bigger than 'usually-we-see' resistor like :

I wonder what will happen if 'usually-we-see' resistor is given a high voltage (about 30 kV) ? maybe it will disappear to thin air? haha.

My Idea In English


Actually, I have another blog written in Bahasa Indonesia. This blog specially designed as a container for many thoughts that will be written in English. Very much like my bahasa's blog, this blog will be filled with many of my opinion, experience, tips, or description of my thougths. Well, i hope you enjoy all of my (upcoming) writing!